Poster 1:


Using Image Analysis to Determine the Effectiveness of ck2.1 on Subchrondral Bone Damage in Mice With Destabalized Meniscus.

Masoud Salim, Venu Pandit and Anja Nohe

Osteoarthritis is a devastating disease affecting millions of people. Treatment options are limited and usually lead to knee replacement. Our lab developed CK2.1 as a treatment option. To validate CK2.1 as a treatment DMM mice were injected with CK2.1 and processed the knee by histology, measured with Image J, and analyzed the subchondral bone region. Ck2.1 injected mice showed values similar to the Sham-operated mice. Ck2.1 injection led to a decrease in the ratio of bone volume to total volume (BV/TV) and growth plate thickness compared to PBS-injected mice. HGP-injected mice showed a reduction in growth plate thickness but not the BV/TV. CK2.1 was effective in restoring subchondral bone damage and may be a valuable option for the treatment of OA.

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